The sight of a cockroach can run a shudder down your spine. Cockroaches infest our home, infect our food and they are an intolerable sight to look at. Often, it gets out of control to handle the cockroach situation. They multiply fast and you see them creeping in all nooks and corners of your house. To do the damage control, until professional cockroach pest control has been done, there is an easy solution on hand, and it is boric acid. Boric acid although is not harmful to human beings in nature, it can be fatal to cockroaches.
The boric acid has to be applied strategically in places where the cockroaches roam around or nest commonly. Although the cockroaches are the creatures from down under, they do keep groom themselves well. When they walk around on the boric acid, a few particles are bound to stick to the legs of these roaches and when they groom, they ingest the boric acid. Once the boric acid gets into their digestive system, it is fatal to them, and kill the cockroaches. Hence, it is an effective method until your professional help arrives. You can stall the cockroaches for at least three months with this method.
Boric acid is available in all pharmacies. You can either dust a thin layer of boric acid in all the places where you suspect the cockroach moves or you can prepare a thin solution of sugar and water dissolved in boric acid and fill it in a sprayer and spray to even those places which are not reachable by hand. The sweetness of the sugar will attract the cockroach towards the sprayed solution when it ingests, the boric acid starts acting and soon you will be rid of all the cockroaches in your home.
Remember this is just a temporary solution and is not an alternative for professional cockroach pest control. Also, do keep the boric acid away from pets and children.